
【茶會】2011.10.08 15:00(六)

2010年1月15日 星期五

郭家勳創作個展Chapman Kuo Solo Exhibition─我從這裡開始 I Start From Here


「這裡」可稱為身份、地點、風格及選擇,「開始」可視為宣示及啟示,主耶穌基督在加略山上,忍辱上了十字架翻轉了人類的命運;使徒保羅經歷了許多絕境後,轉往馬其頓宣教揭開了西方的文明史,這些挫敗成就了世界性的啟示,看似充滿了弔詭 (paradox)。



When we speak of "here", we could be referring to a location, our identity, style or decisions at a point in time.When we "start" something, not only are we beginning something new, but we could also be making a statement, proclamation, even revelation. When our Lord Jesus Christ took the humiliation and suffering on the cross at Calvary, and when the apostle Paul faced disappointment before he headed instead towards Macedonia on his second missionary journey (which changed the course of Western civilization). Both of these acts could be viewed as failures at their point in time, but they both ended up changing our world. Our lives and history is filled with such paradoxes.

I find paradox in my life from the fact that I work in the transportation sector as a driver, and create paintings to express my thoughts and feelings. I find paradox in my work from my approach of trying to interpret religious images from a Eastern visual aesthetics and perspective.

Since the enlightenment, religious paintings can only be found in classical museums and galleries, aside from the few religious themed works created during the impressionist period, it seems that the creation of "Christian" images no longer occupy the imagination and interest of artists working today.Here you are looking at works of "religious paintings" done by a transportation sector professional, interpreting Christian themes with an Eastern touch. I hope these pieces will inspire you to think about just what's possible today, both in art and faith.(Translated by David Pan from G-idea Group )

